Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Daddy Files - Taking a walk

Between flying a kite and looking at the moon through the telescope, Harrison and his Daddy took a walk this evening. At one point Harrison started running ahead - as he eften does - tripped and fell, splat, on the sidewalk.

He scrapped his knees [he promptly showed me said scrapes when I popped my head in to kiss him good night after being at church for the evening] and started crying for...who else? Me; but I wasn't readily on hand for boo-boo duty. Daddy picked him up to comfort him but he cried more, wanting mommy. He was still crying for me while Daddy was trying to console him when...

He exclaimed, "Look! A Squirrel!"

A short discussion about the squirrel ensued, [which the G.I.D. says was really just a leaf shaped like a squirrel but Harrison wouldn't believe it.] then...

"Let's run more!" 

And that was the end of that.

I don't know about you, but it made us think of Doug, the dog from the movie "Up".


Unknown said...

OMG - as soon as I read "look a squirrel!" I thought of the UP puppy! When the girls are being easily distracted, J. will look at me and say, "My master made me...Squirrel! Hi there! My name is Doug."

I love it. I also love that he started crying when you checked in on him. That is such a kid thing...

Yara said...

you lost me at squirrel. No, I'm kidding. That kid is so fun!
(I want one of my kids to cry for me)