My grandfather, the last of those who raised me, was the most recent family member to pass away, a year ago August. But he was able to meet and hold Harrison. Making a career of the Air Force, he is one of those brave souls who fought to protect our country's freedom.
In honor of my "Papa Chuck"...
My grandparents circa early 1940s

Harry and Great-Papa Chuck - December 2005

Visiting the National Cemetary - 2006

"It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion- to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion- that we here highly resolve that these honored dead shall not have died in vain- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-"
~Abraham Lincoln
Amazing...absolutely amazing.
After doing my own pictures for freedom, I thought that I should have focused more on our freedom as Americans.
You did a fabulous job.
Wow. This really affected me. I first looked up close at the photo of Chuck and Alice in all their youthful beauty with the promise of the future ripe in their eyes. I then looked at the military photo and saw a very differnt Chuck, especially as contrasted with the cocky looking pilot in the middle. This Chuck looked slightly grim, no nonsense. There is a tragic maturity about him. One who has seen too much too young. Then I saw the headstone. Did he really serve in ALL those conflicts? It doesn't seem right that one generation should have lived through so many examples of mankind failing to get it right, especially when compared with our current youth who think they've had their worst day ever when they have to pick up papers at lunchtime.
Thank you for such a thoughtful and personal post.
That was just an amazing job capturing what freedom SHOULD mean to anyone who live in the USA.
Just amazing... I really can't say that enough. Thanks for opening my eyes!
What a great post. Thank you.
A wonderful take on freedom. Love the pictures!
This was beautiful. I love the wise, loving eyes in these photos.
That was an amazing tribute to your grandfather. Very moving. Thank you.
What a wonderful memory of your grandfather. Glad your little guy got to meet him.
That was a wonderful post on Freedom and what a great man your grandpa was. I'm very thankful for his contributions and dedication. I'm glad to see that he lived a long life.
Beautiful tribute.
That is a beautiful tribute to your "Papa Chuck". I especially love the picture of Harrison and Papa Chuck.
I have a sense that you are already a good teacher to Harrison and he will know what freedom is and how we have come to live with the freedoms we have.
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