Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lost Locke

Okay, not what I expected...

to see a United Airlines jet nestled in the trees & bushes of downtown Los Angeles.

Granted we were on our way to the Natural History Musuem right down the street; but when Harrison caught sight of that plane, oh boy -
"Mommy look! It's a plane - in the jungle! There's a plane in the jungle right there!"
"Mommy, we found JOHN LOCKE!!"

[Yup, the cat is out of the bag, he has, on occasion, watched parts of Lost with us - usually before he is whisked off to bed or the channel is quickly turned.]

More Wordful Wednesday at Seven Clown Circus


HipMomma said...

That's not supposed to be there, right? Even for LA, that seems odd. But I can't tell if you're near the airport or not.

Rose said...

That's about 20 miles from LAX airport.

Leslie said...

Interesting place to park a plane...

Happy Wordful Wednesday!

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

How funny! What a bright little boy you have!

Muthering Heights said...

LOLOLOL, that's so funny!

Unknown said...

That is where Locke is! Hee...that is so funny.