Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Finger Painting

Harrison has used tempera paint, acrylic paint, and watercolors; but never finger paint - before last week.

I had no idea that it was the consistency of gel.

...Once again - I'm behind the times.

And I'm not wordless.

Well, there's always these wordless pictures!


More Than Words said...

It always looks like more fun when you see someone else's child do it! I bet he had a blast!!

Unknown said...

It's fun but the clean up isn't!!! He's a cutie!

Unknown said...

Our next talented artist!

Blueberry said...

looks like he had a great time!

we haven't finger painted in a long time. maybe its time to get those paints back out!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, looks like he had a blast! I just did finger painting with my son a month or two ago and for some reason he was afraid to really go all in, like he wasn't sure it was okay or something... lol I kept sticking my whole hand in and showing him, "Look messy is good!" but he wasn't so sure.

Brittany said...

Whoa! look at all that fun being had! :)

Christina said...

finger paint does have the weirdest consistancy, doesn't it? Doesn't look like he minds!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

I think we have finally found a replacement to Jackson Pollack!