He referred to her as his "little girlfriend".
"Mommy, this is my little girlfriend!"When she moved away, he chased after her, and then she would take him by the hand and lead him to the curbside to "sit!". Then try to make him stand, only to tell him to "sit!" again.
At first she played hard to get, talking to her play-groupies on her daddy's blackberry. Boy they start young, eh?
Soon she warmed up to him though, and then it was all good from there on out. She hung on his every word. They held hands. He whispered sweet Toddler nothings
Then her daddy came and swept her up to rush her back to the castle tower. It happened so fast that Harrison even didn't get to goodbye. He doesn't do well without proper closure and he crawled into my arms and began weeping for his "Little Girlfriend".
"Mommy, where's my little girlfriend? I need to find her."
Wow, his first broken heart from a girlfriend.
Visit Tracey for more Best Shot Monday.
Ugh, what's to come? He's gonna be a heartbreaker for sure.
Oh, what a couple of little darlings!! Those are so cute! They definitely look like they hit it off right away..."my little girlfriend"...awwww....too much sweetness.
Oh, you are in trouble!! They are all great, but I love that first one.
Awww.... that is so sweet.
That is a pretty adorable story :)
And a nice reminder of kids innocence and cuteness even during 9/11 remembrances...
The Egel Nest
Oh my goodness, the shot with the feet -- I LOVE IT! That is very sweet that he found a little girlfriend...and that he missed her! But you had better watch out...if he is already a ladies' man, I don't even want to THINK about what the teen years could be like...
That's such a sweet story, and an adorable picture. Poor little guy...
Oooooh, it's already started! They do make quite the cute little pair!
That is so cute. Funny how he was enchanted with someone much younger than he is. Take care of his heart Mommy! ;)
so sweet -- i love the expressions you captured in that last one -- choice!
Ohhhhh what a sweet and loving boy you have there. Your last shot is beyond lovely.
Oh my sweetness. That is so very cute - great story and I love your BSM - but I really like the first photo too!
so cute!!! ah, young first love. She sounds like a princess held captive in a castle the way you described it. perhaps she'll let her hair flow down and he can "save" her! LOL : )
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