Monday, March 10, 2008

WW - Singing Tomatos

I brought home groceries the other day and Harrison was helping me unpack them when he found the cherry tomatoes and asked to eat some. Evidently he discovered a new way to eat them.

So what happens when you turn your back on a Toddler eating cherry tomatoes? When he discovers that he can actually bite into them and suck out the insides ...

You end up with faceless tomatoes singing the blues.


Blueberry said...

ha ha ha!!! too funny!

Mama Grizzly said...


Christina said...

LOL, that is too cute. I have a kid who could eat cherry tomatoes by the pound.

Maggie said...

ha ha ha! That is awesome!

Unknown said...

Ha!! That is great! Both of my girls used to LOVE cherry tomatoes and now they won't touch them? How can you resist their sweet goodness?