Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Who's With the Baby?

I put out Harrison's nativity scene under tree and he immediately set about playing with it.

Then other day when I went to take some Christmas pictures when I noticed something odd added in the set.

I knew that  the cow, donkey, lambs and camel were common at the scene - but did you know a little black cat was right in the middle of the action?

Me either.

I can't believe it's Wednesday.


Manderly Ringor said...

What a cute Nativity set! We have a dog in our Fisher Price one...didn't know they were both there! Have a great day!

Brittany said...

Ohh we have Bionicles watching over our baby Jesus. I am so glad there are so many "others" out there who are protecting our savior, aren't you? hahahah

Anonymous said...

Have a very merry Christmas. And please share your Santa wish at Something About Parenting


Anonymous said...

That is a really cute nativity set!

Tiffers said...

Super cute Nativity Scene. I was thinking of picking one up for my kids so that they'd leave mine alone. LOL Happy WW!

MomOf4 said...

We have two little black cats who would have loved to be there! Very neat nativity scene!!

Eli's Lids said...

This is a great nativity set... perfect for playtime!

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh THAT is the BOMB, talk about some talent, very creative!