Sunday, December 7, 2008

His Best Shot at an Elvis Impersonation.

If you are wondering whether or not he really wears these glasses out of the house, the answer is a resounding YES.  As was the case last week on our anniversary when the little celebrity-wannabe wore them over to his friend's house for the evening.

He has the dance moves to go with the glasses.

Now all he needs is a guitar.

Hmm. Christmas is coming...

More best shot moments at Mother May I.


Dawn said...

OMGoodness, that is adorable!

I love that he rocks them outside the house too!

Good for him!

Have a great week~


Blueberry said...

ha! too cute!!

Anonymous said...

I want to know him. I just love his personality.

Brittany said...

Does he wear bling, too?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! How cute!

Christina said...

Hehehe! Now that is cute. He's such a fun kid!

mandaroo63 said...

So adorable! Does he know many Elvis songs too?

Amy Jo said...

Oh my! I laughed out loud when I saw that!

chaoticfamily said...

Absolutely Adorable - the glasses suit him.

Jaimee said...

That is soooo cute & funny too! A blonde elvis!

Killlashandra said...

Way too cute. :) Those glasses are perfect on him.

Cara said...

He looks amazing, he pulls them off better than Elvis!