Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Thanksgiving From His Prospective

Yes, he does crash and burn occasionally. Granted it takes a lot to get him there but Mr. I'm-not-napping-anymore even took a nice long nap after church today. That after three long days of Thanksgiving holiday.

Being at someone's house for an overnight holiday is very challenging for a 3-year-old out of his normal element after a two hour car ride, surrounded by 20 adults and one 14-month-old toddler.

But he found some things to keep himself busy, like this game he has plays with each time we go down to visit. He loves the way the marbles can roll around the outer rim of the game board. Only this time the marble pieces became little planets in outer space. 

And the 14-month-old had some pretty fun little toys too...

I think the best part of his weekend had to be when he was allowed to watch Wall-E before bed on Thanksgiving. Our friend Diane gave him a copy which he is still quite thankful about. We also put it in the portable DVD player for the ride home and the movie ended as we pulled up to our house. What timing.  It was the first time we used the DVD player in the car - awesome! It made a quiet, peaceful ride home.

Thanks again Diane!

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving weekend.


Brittany said...

Aw! What wonderful photos! Looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Christina said...

Look like he had a good holiday! LOVE that picture with the marbles. N's been sleeping up a storm ever since the big day, too.

mandaroo63 said...

Love the marble shot! Heard that was a fun movie...we'll have to check it out! Sounds like nice times

Unknown said...

i just keep staring at that first shot. such a great moment captured. ahh....

Anonymous said...

Really Great pictures i love his car