Sunday, August 10, 2008

Run, Darth Maul, Run!

Another shot from our final day at Disneyland with the Annual Pass.
This is one of my all-time favorites, and Harrison has already added a printed version to his own photo album.

Run over to Mother May I to see more Best Shot Monday pics!


Blueberry said...

that is awesome! truly awesome!

Maggie said...

This is SO COOL! What a great shot!

Brittany said...

that would look awesome blown up.. to hang on a certain person's wall in their room? lol

Jen said...

Holy Moly that is cool. I can see why he likes it. That would make a great poster.

tracey clark said...

that's swesome!

Killlashandra said...

Great effect! I love it and bet Harrison loves it even more in his photo album. :)

Christina said...

Wowza, that is awesome!!! It's a one in a lifetime kind of shot.

Megan said...

ooh, very cool! i'm surprised harrison didn't ask for it to be blown up & framed on his bedroom wall :)!

Dawn said...

Oh, WOW..that is really neat!

Anonymous said...

Holy guacamole! Way coolio. Great job on that one.

Joanna said...

Wow - Great effect to this shot. I love it! Annual pass? Lucky Duck!

Melissa said...

Holy cool effect, Batman! That is fantastic!

Unknown said...

That is some kind of awesome! I'm surprised H. didn't MAKE you blow it up for his room! So cool....

Phyllis Sommer said...

that is so neat! what a great shot.

Kara said...

Duuuuude that picture is awesome!

Stacy said...

Wonderful...and wonderful processing! What a good mommy feeding the Star Wars fire for her little man. :)

Jen Graham said...

That is an awesome picture! I wanna real camera now.

chaoticfamily said...

Holy moly this is FANTASTIC... love it...