Monday, June 9, 2008

He's Back!...

Harrison received some Star Wars action figures for his birthday, the most important being - Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker and the Storm Troopers.
He took a storm trooper and Anakin with him to our Easter visit at his God Parent's house. When we got home Anakin was missing. I knew that he had left him in the car, but still - he vanished.

Being given over to the dark side for so long , I am not surprised that Anakin made a break for it when he saw his chance, he was left alone in the car, out of the sight of one newly turned 3-year-old. After all, his character, toy or not, is not one to embrace the rough, sticky hands of a toddler...
We called Harrison's God parents, we searched the car, we checked and double-checked; just last week I searched the car again to no avail. Over the last couple months, he slowly stopped asking about Anakin and focused on other things (like Speed Racer cars from Mcdonald's)

Then that Guy I Dig came home from work yesterday and said, "Harrison, I have a surprise for you!" He opened his hand to reveal Anakin, who's try for a permanent escape from Mighty Toddlers Hands had been thwarted. His hiding place DEEP in the depths of the back seat cushions was revealed when the GID pulled the seats flat to put equipment in the back.

Anakin is with his fellow action figures where he belongs and once again there is peace in this toddler's universe.


Brittany said...

NO WONDER you dig that guy!! ;) Glad Anakin is safe!

Blueberry said...

yay!! :)