Saturday, February 9, 2008

Looking to Invest in Facial Tissue Stock...



Will this ever end? Am I being punished? Can any more snot come out of this little nose?
Look at it run!

And run!

Run, Nose, Run!


Brittany said...

Oh dear!

All this sickness makes me want spring to come even more!

Blueberry said...

awwwww! i'm sorry!!!

Christina said...

Again?! My goodness! But dang is he cute in that had, drippy nose or not!

The Egel Nest said...

Everyone I know has either been sick this winter or is currently sick...hope it "runs" away quickly :0

The Egel Nest

MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

THAT was hilarious. You so need to sell that to Kleenex for their next marketing ad! He is BEAUTIFUL.

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Love them both.


If you are interested in a photo challenge, please join me at
Appreciate a visit even if you are not, though.

chaoticfamily said...

Well for being sick he sure is happy looking! Hope the oozing snot slows down for you...

Almost done my meme - will let ya know when it's up - thanks for including me! :)

Arizaphale said...

See Nose run.

Love it! Yea, there's definitely a Kleenex ad in that :-D

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

So snotty.... but so very cute!

We're in the same boat. Zoe's nose seems to just run constantly and she's got a horrible cough.