Monday, February 25, 2008

The Daddy Files - Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Last night we were winding down for bed time when Harrison said to me, "I don't want mommy to put me to bed, I want daddy to put me to bed."

This has actually been the norm for the last couple of weeks. He is in a "daddy" phase.

He goes and climbs into the GID's lap and asks, "Daddy, you take me to bed? please daddy, Come on. Pleeease."

The GID responds, "No, I don't think so. I can't tonight. I think Dukie-dog is going to put you to bed tonight. What do you think of that?"

Short pause as Harrison glances at the sleeping dog.

He lifts his arms up palms out and exclaims, "Dukie has no hands!"


Maggie said...

That is so cute! I hear things like that and remember how exactly toddlers live to be school aged children...

Christina said...

Ha! He is one clever guy. No need for tv with kiddos around - they are plenty of entertainment!

Sandy said...

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my little spot. I both your blogs and will be stopping by to read more!

Brittany said...

Duh dad! You have to have HANDS! haha

Blueberry said...

ha ha ha!!! LOVE IT!!

kim said...

Don't you love those funny little things they say?

Lola said...


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Oh I just loved this. Kid-isms like that are priceless. And I would like a little daddy phase every now and then! :)

The Egel Nest said...

From the mouths of babes!

Love it :)

Kid normal..just be glad he wants SOMEONE to tuck him in...soon you'll get the whole "get off me mom..."


The Egel Nest