Monday, February 4, 2008

BSM - Play Ball!

Harrison met a new little friend at the Super Party we attended yesterday. It was interesting to watch Harrison be the "older boy" for once. He has the "baby that the bigger boys need to be careful of" in the scenario for so long; but now as we quickly approach his 3rd birthday - he is no longer the baby.

It's bittersweet, I find myself a little willy-eyed over it.

Visit Tracy at Mother May I and see more best shots this fine Monday!


Brittany said...

aw what a great shot! :)

(Love Harrison's cute!)

mandaroo63 said...

they grow so fast, huh? it's neat to see them interacting more as they get older too....

Anonymous said...

Willy-eyed but proud, I'm sure.

Blueberry said...

very cute!!

Tonya said...

wonderful shot :)

Maggie said...

He is getting so big! I LOVE that the ball is in mid-air in this shot -- SO COOL!

Christina said...

so cute! We are starting to transition from being "the baby" to being "the big one" too! Great capture to get the ball in midair.

natalie said...

We find ourselves in that same situation. M sometimes understands that she's the "big" girl. Yesterday she found a baby toy still in it's package and wanted to play with it. Because we don't have enough toys (completely sarcastic), I agreed to open it. There was a cute little baby on the package. M said "Dere's a baby yike me!"

Maya said...

That's so cute. He's playing the big boy of the group!

tracey clark said...

i love that you caught that ball in flight! very nice.

Arizaphale said...

He looks like he's taking to his new role like a duck to water!! Lovely shot.