Thursday, January 24, 2008

Theme Thursday - Library Books

Library Day! Tuesdays are story time at the library. We don't make it on a regular basis. I'm not sure if its that I get exhausted watching Harrison run around in circles at the back of the room - not listening, or that I am still stinging from my rather large library fine that I had to pay after temporarily going to work full time and forgetting the videos we had checked out. Either way, the library is just a walk away and Harrison has been asking to go get books at the library - so I caved in and we went on Tuesday.

The favorite book this time - "Go Away Big Green Monster!" I had to read it 3 times before bed the other night! Needless to say, last night he announced to the GID that he is NOT scared of monsters anymore. Well that's a relief - at least for this week.

Don't forget to pop in on Land of K.A. and see more books!


Brittany said...

how fun!! We love the library!! :)

I did not participate in today's TT... sigh. I just didn't have any pictures of the kids with books... surprisingly enough.

Stacy said...

Love them! He looks positively buried in books here.

We need to go to the library more to see what books they have. Of course, we buy so many books I'm not sure there is a need. ;)

Stacy said...
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Andi said...

Hi, just wanted to say that I love the photos! LIBRARY BOOKS- what fun! We always LOVED the library, but I do not go much any more. Your little guy is obviously thrilled with his selection. What great shots...
Thanks also for welcoming me to the blog world; I am glad you stopped by.

Maggie said...

Great shots!

We always return from the library with TONS of books. Which I am then forced to read repeatedly until they go back to be exchanged for a new pile.

Does your library have a play area (outside of where they have story time)? We have tons of blocks, letters, etc for the kids to play with - it's a great way to kill some time!

Megan said...

i love that first one! it looks like he's being swallowed in a mountain of books -- the best way to go, i'd say ;).

Anonymous said...

Great shots! I love the angle. And even the background has more books!

Christina said...

I love the first one! Perfect in b&w and his expression is hysterical. Great perspective, too. The face in the last one is pretty funny, too!

Library fines...oh my can I realte to that. That's what happens when you make an emergency week long trip to the hospital and then TOTALLY forget about the library books...I paid on that for months. sigh

Christina said...

oh, and those are some classic books you have there too! Mulberry Street - i remember that one!

Bonnie said...

Aw ... look at his little head poking out of those books ! Fun. We love the library too !!

Cari said...

Gotta love the library! And such cute shots of him up to his chin in books. :)

Anonymous said...

Such adorable shots of that adorable boy! His expressions are priceless lol.


natalie said...

Wow...he sure looks like a big boy in those pictures.

And I'm glad he's not scared of monsters anymore!!

Dawn said...

The top pic is my favorite interpretation of this week's theme. So cute!

Anonymous said...

That top bw is so great!

I'm so glad my girls love the library, too. I had grown to hate it for awhile. I guess lots of school will do that to you.