Thursday, January 10, 2008

Theme Thursday - Contrast

This is a photo from our most recent trip to the Happiest Place on Earth! We needed to get out of the house after being cooped up for so many days being sick. It was just a day for he two of us.
I've been playing with contrast and trying to get that cool cross-processing effect in PS Elements-3, a challenge, to say the least.

As for Disneyland.

Harrison wanted to go there this morning and just couldn't accept it as we pulled into the school parking lot.

"Mommy, let's go Dinnylan!" For the 10th time in the 5 minute ride to work/school.

"I don't want to see Ms. A.! I don't like Ms. A.!"
All the way into the building.

"Go away, Mommy. Go away! I'm playing!"
When we get to his classroom and he runs into Ms. A.'s arms.

So I went to work.
I just want to play, too.

See who else has contrast in their life! Head over to The Land of K.A.


Anonymous said...

I think you're gettin' it. Great job.

Stacy said...

Looks like you are getting it...very nice! He's such a cutie. :)

I hear those same types of words on the way to daycare, too. "I don't like daycare, I don't like me teacher", but yet they get there and they are happy. To be able to play all day long...wouldn't that be nice??

Stacy said...

very cool. do you like ps elements? i have been trying to figure out what version would be best to help me learn photoshop. i am completely clueless!

Head Gaggler said...

Oooh I love that look! Great processing. Awesome processing.

Brittany said...

VERY cool photo! I love the colors!

I wish we had Disneyland close enough to just hop in the car and go!!

Megan said...

i like that. it looks very journalistic!

mandaroo63 said...

I really love the effects on this. Great photo. You'll have to come down with Harrison someday, and he & Livie can play Superheros (she has lots of capes!!!)

Killlashandra said...

You did an awesome job capturing the look. :) I like the washout look on his face, gives the image a bit more drama.

chaoticfamily said...

That's so cute - glad you get to go often - lol!

We took my parents to the airport last week and my girl thought we were going back to Disneyland - lol - unfortunately it's a long days travel so next year.

Maggie said...

Great shot - I love the editing!

Arizaphale said...

I have no idea what cross processing is but the shot looks very cool and I agree with Megan...almost journalistic! Lucky you having Dinnylan on your doorstep.

jamestownboys said...

Very cool picture. The colors are fun and did you add some sort of a vintage texture to it or something?

Unknown said...

You're definitely getting it - very cool effect. The contrast and texture is awesome.

JenLive! said...

Nice photo! I love the angle and his expression. The color sets the mood!

Angie said...

Awesome effect!